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Commitment to Research


The Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine has a robust research agenda in collaboration with our McMaster University partners, affiliated hospitals, and local communities. Ongoing research activity and a general orientation toward academic inquiry, innovation, and discovery, provide students with a nurturing environment to explore their own research interests.

While not a requirement of the UGME, around 70% of students will engage in some sort of research activity. This may include continuing research that was undertaken during a prior degree, joining research programs already underway with McMaster faculty, or the development of new research questions based on content covered while studying medicine.


Many opportunities and resources are available to students to support their pursuit of research while in the UGME. Research can be explored concurrently with the remainder of the curriculum through horizontal and block elective periods. Enrichment periods of up to one year can be used by students who want a slightly more intensive research opportunity. This time can also be enhanced with clinical electives to enhance the application of ongoing research and to further explore career opportunities. Some students will use the enrichment period to complete coursework in a McMaster-based Masters program, such as Global Health or e-Health.

The MD/PhD Program is available to students who have a strong interest in research and see this as being integral to their future career as a physician.

Each campus has slightly different research opportunities for students. Please consult with the Director of Research and Scholarship and regional leads for further details.

Students may request time off from the program to present their research at conferences. The program financially supports student travel for conference presentations.